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Melissa Prunty Kemp
30 Day Poetry Challenge: National Poetry Month
Lune to the Sun and Moon in Aries
Yes? It’s 100
dollars, right?
I was sleeping. Then
you called. Up now, back
to working.
Did you set up yet?
Greetings, Sistuh, I
just called to
tell you I love you.
Hit me back. The phone
dropped your
cleaning the porch
before the
trashmen come today.
Gotta throw away.
What’s in this
cardboard anyway?
Brochures on programs
to help old
and homeless people.
Greetings, Sistuh, I
Hope you are
well. Did your friend come
from Savannah today?
Did Greyhound
ferry her cancer
in a separate
leather bag?
Greetings, I’m at the
Extended Stay now.
The day will
be so prosperous.
Hot sun brings
people to
shop. It pays the rent,
100 dollars,
right? Just want
to check it was sent.
© 2014 by Melissa Prunty Kemp
California State Poetry Quarterly
Conflict of Interest Magazine
Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People
Harrison Museum of African American Culture
In Dappled Sunlight
Luna Negra Magazine
Minimus Magazine
Salem Public Library
Sparrowgrass: Ten Years of Excellence
The Bottom Line
The Journal of Women and Language
The Robin’s Nest
Underground Literary Alliance
We Used To Be Wives
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