Melissa Prunty Kemp
Hand me that bottle of Excedrin
they’re giving me a headache again
the tumors in my head
have been there like the AIDS virus
since I was fifteen
I actually lived fifteen years
without dying sometimes they pulse
feel like they’re expanding throbbing dicks
hot blood coursing their veins
they’re g-strings around my red/white blood cells
choking the life out of me like a thong up my ass
as I lay here and wonder how I got here
I used to weave garlands out of bee balm
and measure my hair
against my girlfriend’s plaits everyday
to see whose was longer
and get felt up behind the house
next to the lilac shrub
felt that burning wanting
not like the searing thrusting
that shot a million poison missiles into
my womb stream blood of life
the tumors rearrange rotate
like DNA they replicate themselves multiply
with each throb of pain pulsing
I can see myself through a gauze veil
I see Shirley who is marrying
the man she took from me
she slipped him away from me
the one with the thrusting searing
will her seed prove stronger than HIV
maybe she’ll be the first human on earth
to refuse to replicate the codes
that makes your body hallucinate
it must be trippin’ because it thinks
its an enemy and must kill itself
it causes tumors like the ones in my head
Published in Art & Understanding Magazine , 37, 1997.
Tumors In My Head
California State Poetry Quarterly
Conflict of Interest Magazine
Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People
Harrison Museum of African American Culture
In Dappled Sunlight
Luna Negra Magazine
Minimus Magazine
Salem Public Library
Sparrowgrass: Ten Years of Excellence
The Bottom Line
The Journal of Women and Language
The Robin’s Nest
Underground Literary Alliance
We Used To Be Wives