Melissa Prunty Kemp
2014 -
"Just Another Love Song." Cease, Cows. March, 2014. http://ceasecows.com/2014/03/05/just-another-sad-love-song-by-melissa-kemp/
2013 –
“How To Starve.” Cease, Cows. August, 2013. http://ceasecows.com/2013/08/22/how-to-starve-by-melissa-kemp/
2004 –
“Empty” Underground Literary Alliance 10.20.04: www.ula.org.
2001 –
“Liberation” We Used To Be Wives. Dallas: New Visions Press, 2001.
2000 –
“I Ain’t No Sounding Board.” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, Feb 1, 2000 http://www.clark.net/pub/jeter/drylongso/.
“Simile: Death of Trees.” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, Feb 1, 2000
http://www.clark.net/pub/jeter/drylongso/. Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), February 2000.
“What He Sees.” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, Feb 1, 2000
“If Mud-Cloth is a Burial Shroud.” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), January 23, 2000.
“Not A Coke Bottle,” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), January 23, 2000.
“Poetry Is.” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), February 2000.
1999 –
“Yellow Jackets,” Riverwind, January 1999.
1998 –
“Song to a Seventeen Year Old Prostitute”, The Bottom Line, 18:1, Jan 6, 1998.
“I Want Quiet”, The Bottom Line, 18:1, Jan 6, 1998.
“Friends”, Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com) Jan 12, 1998.
“Journal #12: Craziness on the Inside,” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com) Jan 28, 1998
“Torment”, Visibilities, ((http://wowwomen.com) Feb 4, 1998.
“What it Means to be Rare” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), Feb 4, 1998.
“The Man Who Shot Pigeons,” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), Feb 8, 1998
“Karma,” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com) Feb 8, 1998.
“Though Mother is Dead,” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), Feb 15, 1998; Canto 11, Fall 1998
“I Wish I Had Another Womanfriend,” Poetry Motel #27, Spring 1998, Visibilities, (http://wowwomen.com) February 2000.
“Fleetie and Charles in the Blackberry Fields,” In Dappled Sunlight, Spring 1997; Canto 10, Summer 1997; California State Poetry Quarterly, Spring 1997.
“Lady Slip-per,” Minimus Magazine, #10, April 1997.
“My Indian Mother Exists,” Sketches of the Soul, November 1997.
“Poem for Houseplants,” Sparrowgrass: Ten Years of Excellence, Fall 1997; Visibilities, ((http://wowwomen.co) Jan 12, 1998, Canto 11, Fall 1998; California Poetry Quarterly, 25:2, Fall 1998; Riverwind, January 1999.
“The Horror and the Innocence,” Sparrowgrass: Ten Years of Excellence, Fall 1997
“Chicken Dinner,” Sparrowgrass: Ten Years of Excellence, Fall 1997
“Tumors In My Head,” Art & Understanding Magazine, Issue #37, November 1997.
“Purging: Or We Practice Throwing Up” The Bottom Line, 17:4, November 1997, Visibilities,
(http:\\wowwomen.com) Jan 28, 1998.
“Fantasy” The Bottom Line, 17:6, December 18, 1997.
“To Span the Trepidation”, The Bottom Line, 17:4 November 20,1997.
“Decolonizing My Hair,” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), December 28, 1997
“What Leather Tastes Like,” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), December 28, 1997
“What Christmas Means to Me,” Visibilities, (http:\\wowwomen.com), December 28, 1997
1996 –
“Christmas Greens,” The Robin’s Nest, Winter 1996
“The Last Preserves,” The Robin’s Nest, Winter 1996
“Narcissus,” Honorable Mention, Best of Ohio Writer’s Contest, Fall 1996; Canto 10, Summer
1995 –
"Slavemother," Poetic Voices of America, Summer, 1995.
"Why I Hate White People," Conflict of Interest Magazine, #1, January 1995.
1994 –
"In the Beauty Salon on Saturday Afternoon," The Journal of Women and Language, Fall 1994.
"Mr. Parker," Luna Negra Magazine, Fall 1994.
"Old-Growth Woods," Luna Negra Magazine, Fall 1994
“Kevin Cole.” The Encyclopedia of Arkansas Culture and History. July, 2009. http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry-detail.aspx?entryID=5654
Mopac Music biography, (Moussa Ndiaye). 2011. http://www.mopacmusic.com/#!bio/c23f3
Bateaux Annotated Bibliography. Roanoke, VA: Harrison Museum of African American Culture, 1999
“African American Women Poets, The Harlem Renaissance and Modernism: An Apology.” (2013) Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts and Letters, 36:3. 789 – 801.
"All Things to All People: Opposing Agendas and Ambiguous Purpose in the Films of Spike Lee." Brooke Horvath and Melissa Prunty Kemp, The Hollins Critic, November 1994
“African American Salemites have a Distinguished History” Historic Salem, November 1995
“Emotional Healing and Maintenance: A Key Component to Weight Loss.” February 7, 2013. http://weightandall.wordpress.com.
“Your Budget or Your Diet: Maintaining Your Health Regimes During Periods Of Food Insecurity.” NutriniqueLiving.com. January 14, 2013. http://www.nutriniqueliving.com.
“Conversations: Louis Delsarte,” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, April 1, 2003. http://www.drylongso.com
“Conversation: Kevin Cole,” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, April 1, 2003. http://www.drylongso.com
“Conversations: Kevin Sipp,” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, April 1, 2003. http://www.drylongso.com
“Raising Fences: Raising Questions.” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, April 1, 2003. http://www.drylongso.com
“Atlanta Arts & Entertainment Introduction,” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, April 1, 2003. http://www.drylongso.com
“Female Slave Conditioning and the Novels of Toni Morrison,” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, April 1, 2002. http://www.drylongso.com
“Spotlight on Kara Walker,” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, April 1, 2000. http://www.drylongso.com
“A Man of the Cloth: Then and Now,” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, April 1, 2000. http://www.drylongso.com
“Hair It Is.” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, Feb 1, 2000, . http://www.drylongso.com
“The Art of Debate: An Aristotelian Review” Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, Feb 1, 2000 http://www.drylongso.com
“Decolonizing My Hair: My Decision to Grow Dreadlocks,” Uhuru Magazine, Spring 1997; ALSO IN Black to Basics:Haircare for People of Color (1 Apr 1997). http://www.clark.net/pub/jeter/b2b
“Will our Future be an Educated One?” Uhuru Magazine, Fall 1996, Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People, Feb 1, 2000, http://www.drylongso.com
“Proactive Movements: A Defense” Uhuru Magazine, Fall, 1995
“Salem’s African American Community Had a Proud History,” Salem Public Library, February 1993. http://www.salemmuseum.org/HSV1N3.html#Distinguished%20History
Bauder College Faculty Senate Newsletter, Bauder College, October 2008
Students First, Bauder College, January 2007 – June 2007
From Within: Midtown Spiritual Community Newsletter, July 2000 – March 2001
The Source: Hammonds House Newsletter, December 1999
Harrison Happenings: A Newsletter of the Harrison Museum of African American Culture, January 1999
The Kitabu: Newsletter of the Department of Pan African Studies, November 1998
Kent State University Black Graduate Student Association, November 1997
The Entrepreneur: A Publication of the United Business Association, June 1994
The Education Bulletin: A Publication of the Canton Urban League, November 1994
Harrison Happenings: A Newsletter of the Harrison Museum of African American Culture, Winter 1992 & Spring 1993
“Helping Students Across the Bridge” Presentation, Kaplan INC, Retention Summit, Bauder College, June 2006
“Teaching Four Hour Block Classes” Presentation, Faculty In- Service Colloquium, Bauder College, May 2005
“Writing Across the Curriculum,” Faculty In-Service Colloquium, Bauder College, September 2002
“Carl Van Vechten’s Influence on the Production and Patronage of Harlem Renaissance Literature: A Cultural materialist Perspective,” The Future of the Harlem Renaissance Conference, University of Tennessee at Knoxville, March 10, 1997
“The Future of the Harlem Renaissance” Kent State University Stark Campus Faculty Colloquium, November 21, 1997
“Team-teaching a Women’s Studies Colloquium,” AARCO Conference, Kent State University - Salem Campus, April 13-15, 1998
“Results of ‘A Hidden History: The Black Experience in the Roanoke Valley’” Harrison Museum of African American Culture, April 1993
“Salem’s African American Community Had a Proud History” Salem Public Library, February 1993
California State Poetry Quarterly
Conflict of Interest Magazine
Drylongso: Extraordinary Thought for Ordinary People
Harrison Museum of African American Culture
In Dappled Sunlight
Luna Negra Magazine
Minimus Magazine
Salem Public Library
Sparrowgrass: Ten Years of Excellence
The Bottom Line
The Journal of Women and Language
The Robin’s Nest
Underground Literary Alliance
We Used To Be Wives